29 September 2010

Cycles: Cause and Effect

In this world of duality, all things & variations are possible. We entered into a physical existence for the possibility of experiencing joy, misery and many types of outcomes. Many can have cycles of misery and loss of control, or cycles of joy and increased agency.

The Gospel outlines the path of continual growth - avoiding all pitfalls and building upon greater agency. These decisions enter the individual into a cycle: Some cycles for better, and some for worse. Either one may have effects which will not be seen in this lifetime, but after many years from now. Imagine the personal hell of realizing that after hundreds of years a particular habit you have been doing is detrimental to your progressions. How hard would that be to change; and would you have rather changed your pathway while living on Earth, when the habit was young and more pliable.


16 September 2010

Around Camp

Hello from Jackson! Once again, just a quick update: I'll be coming back to Salt Lake for General Conference. Hope to see everybody I can there!

Next, Jackson is awesome of course. I've been working on websites like a mad man, but I love it. I'm glad I took a long retirement from it, and I'm glad that I'm "back in action" with the world wide web. I've been rebuilding my portfolio while I work here. Soon, I plan to migrate this blog back to my own host (no longer using blogger), for those of you who have been following my blog since the beginning, you remember that I used to hard code everything on my own, before migrating all my content to blogger in 2004 (I like to consider myself a seasoned blogger, since I kept an online log of myself since 1999, before I ever heard of a "blog"). Though convenient, I think for the sake of personal pride and practice, I'm going back to doing it my way, without blogger tools. Well, one day at least, when I get the time to do the migration and creation of a new blog site. (actually, if you want to see the wordpress installation I set up , go here: www.wbcobb.net/blog).

I've been hosting some couch surfers on the river banks, which has been a lot of fun. 3 people from Germany, and 2 people from New York. I love the Couch Surfing Project, because I get to meet new people all the time.

Here's a few pictures for your enjoyment:
