03 November 2006

Moose Tracks

I received a phone call from my friend yesterday telling me that there was a moose skin on the side of the road. Really? (it fell off a truck who was hauling animal skins from a factory or something).

To the average person, this would be a disgusting artifact and should be left to decompose. However, to people like me (outdoorsy and nerdy), this is a valuable piece of material. It can be tanned and made into nice leather worth 200 dollars or more. So I made a trip to the location and luckily found it on the side of the road. It was huge! It's too dark to be Elk so we're assuming it's Moose skin.

I called my friend Connie (who is married and has a house) and her backyard is already set up for tanning hides (note: "already set up for tanning hides" ... true outdoor nerds). I live in a small apartment and do not have the space or tools, so I have to enlist the help of others.

And then Katt. So Katt. Well. Katt. Hmmm. Katt. We'll just leave it at that. Don't really know what to say other than I probably shouldn't make my dating life a public matter. Eh?

So I wrapped the skin in a thick trash bag and stuffed it in my freezer...


  1. be careful with that skin. You could get nailed for poaching. There's no way to prove that you just found it and even if you could it's illegal to take dead wildlife unless you are certain it died of natural causes. Ok, so other than my word of caution I think it's really cool. You should make a vest or chaps or a scripture case or something.

  2. wow that is SO cool!! ahhh i lvoe it brian. i love your nerdy outdoorsiness.,..haha

  3. I asked an officer today...he said technically you aren't supposed to keep it but he would let you and he's pretty sure most other officers would to. whew! I know you were sweating. J/K What are you going to do with it?

  4. i'm going to brain tan it and make clothes. i don't have a place to do it but my friend has a house with tools to do the work with. i'll probably make a shirt or pair of pants.

  5. thanks for checking that out for me

  6. How do your roomies feel about a dead moose skin in their freezer??

  7. brian, that is so cool! That totally reminds me of something my dad would do. . .which is basically something I would do. I liked the picture of it in the fridge! HA! It reminded me of when my dad sent monkey parts home from India and we had them in the freezer for months.


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