13 June 2007

I think this is a rattle snake at Paramount rock


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    It must have been very nice weather when you took that picture of the snake. Snakes come out when it's really nice--in the 70's. They don't like it too hot or too cold.

    I still remember that funny snake you drew in H.Sch. I wonder where it is.

    Did you figure out what kind of snake it was? Did it wake up? what kind of snake is it? It looks like a big Rattler or King snake perhaps??
    We pray for your safety on those trips you take people on. God be with you always.
    LOL, Mom & Dad

  2. It was definitely a Rattle Snake, I chased it away with a stick. It was pretty friendly and it just wanted to crawl back into a hole. We just moved it over a few feet so we wouldn't get disturbed while we were climbing.

  3. In answer to your comment... we make our own packs. We're into making a lot of things. This week I made a bullroar and another primitive toy... a hacky sac. Is that Brent in the harness? I miss climbing. Hopefully I can play on the rocks. I'm coming up to Idaho Monday through Wednesday


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