03 November 2007

Josh and i bought crash pads!

We are at camel back in phoenix


  1. when I read your comment I had to sigh. While I might have wasted an hour to eat a free feast and win $45, I pictured you running around the desert for eight days eating lentils and roots for a lot less than $45 an hour. . . who's laughing now? :) PS: I am well acquainted with cobb family sarcasm, bry, so don't worry. Jo is my best friend after all.

  2. BTW: nice crash pad.

  3. love the pics bry!! and the crash pad! yours matches mine!

  4. Hi, it is sven. Hey, i got a new blog! sventow.blogspot.com Dont question the last name change or why i dont use my old address. just accept


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