What I look for in an Apartment...
- Environment. What the overall feel of the place is key. It can't just look clean, it has to FEEL clean.
- Space. Is there places for things? Linen closets, walking room, closets, and yards, etc.
- Friends. You gotta get along with the roomies, enough said.
- Respect. Are the people living there aware of others? Most people who barely left their parent's house still haven't learned that Mom's not doing the dishes anymore, so they always leave a big mess.
What I look for in a Job...
- Self-Motivation. I'm most happy when I can look at the situation and figure out how to make it better using my own brain.
- Flexibility. I like being able to work long days and short days, so that life can happen in between.
- Stewardship. I want to feel like what I'm doing means something to people. I like to work with and interact with others.
- Intelligence. My job requires me to know something. I'm here because I have the skills and ability to fulfill the position and make things better.
awww bry guy! maybe we should get an apartment together! i am down with all that. miss you. see you THIS WEEKEND!! AHHHHH!!!